This is a description of the journey taken by Brigitte Smith with her Abba Father here with us in her own words. (Published with her permission)

Where was I before?
Before arriving at Mishkan I was in a turmoil, on the verge of a breakdown. I was so mentally, physically, emotionally and spiritually drained. The world was on top of me. I could not cope with life … to end it would have been the result. I was full of anxiety, hopelessness and fears of all sorts. God was not there. I was hanging on a thread. My heart was full of anger and hurt. Questions of where was God? Why were things going wrong? Am I not God’s “so-called” child?? My kids were unhappy because mommy was not happy. My marriage was full of fights. My job became more stressful and hard to cope with. There was no food on the table, had to have debt busters take over our accounts. I was a complete failure, a total mess. People were triggering me. I had let my family down. I was in depression, nothing could get me out. I couldn’t control anything. I felt rejected in all ways. People that were helping us with food and blessing us became horrific for me. I couldn’t accept anything!! I am the one to give, not others. Unforgiveness of God, people and myself was totally out of control. I could not pray, nothing left. Everything was a wreck!
Where am I now?
O my! What a good good Father we have!! I have realized who I am in Christ. I am a daughter of the Most High God. I am loved, wonderfully and fearfully made. I was knitted in my mother’s womb. My Daddy knew me before I was born. I was bought at a price. He was waiting for me. Spending time with Jesus has blown me away! Journaling, listening to praise and worship. Sitting by the river, absorbing His love for me. The peace that transcends all understanding. Connecting with nature and getting to know who I am. To be still and know that God is God. Speaking to God and hearing from Him. Realizing the freedom of living once you have forgiven the people that have hurt you, the soul ties that have been attached to you and forgiving yourself. The road to peace and freedom. Feeling that whole heavy burden rise above you and to give it to Daddy to handle. Our joy and strength come from God. No man can fulfil this. Seeking man’s approval leads to so much pain and bitterness, besides they are only humans. Remembering God’s word and promises are an anchor to everyday living. Our Daddy is gentle and works on you in His time. We can trust Him, He will provide. We can live in peace; all fear has gone. One day I will be a mature giver and bless others in abundance. No more hopelessness, no more hurt, nor more hanging onto ungodly things, I AM FREE and no longer a slave to sin and fear. I AM A CHILD OF GOD!
What about the future?
As I continue journaling, spending time with my Daddy and renewing my mind every day I would like to be so close to God that all resistance crumbles. I would like to be an excellent mom, wife, friend and woman of God. I want to be able to forgive easily and let it go. I would like to be a light for Jesus where people are so attracted that they come to know who my Daddy is. I would like to be a testimony to others. I want to strive for excellence and not perfection. I want to love with the love of Jesus, I want others to feel the life of freedom and no condemnation. I want to be at a place of total contentment and trust in my Daddy. I want to feel His presence and dwell in it through good and bad times. I want to be an ambassador for Him. I want to never doubt God’s love for me as His daughter. I want to walk in faith and hope and love all the days of my life. I want to walk around with my crown on, shouting: “I am a daughter of the most High God”.